Sunday, December 11, 2011

Inspiration at Angkor Wat

Experiencing new things you often don't know what to expect and need to tread that fine line being being overly optimistic (and thus perhaps face disappointment) or that pain in the arse traveller who always expects the worst. We reached Angkor Wat in the early morning (not sunrise early but lazily wake up, get dressed and enjoy breakfast first early which with 2 kids was about 11am). With little expectation and quiet excitement we left our tuk tuk driver, Miow, and walked up the stairs into the main temple of Angkor Wat. I did not expect to feel so awestruck and overwhelmed as we walked part of these amazing temples which cover 25km's and took 300 years to build.
Angkor Wat deserves its place as one of the seven man made wonders of the world!
A holy man in the main temple tied a bracelet on each of us. This image of a young child sleeping was my favourite of the day.
Angkor Wat was a truly breath-taking experience:
After the temples we had a late lunch in 'pub street' where Rocco and Sam played games on the Ipod and shared pizza with a couple of lovely local kids.
How cute is this little boy? We had a great time in Siem Reap and I would love to come back some day. Yesterday Sam and I got a Thai massage. Sam fell into a deep sleep after five minutes. While Sam slept oblivious, I became human origami; I have never been folded in so many different directions. I woke up with a very sore lower back. The chemist tried to give me an unknown medication for chronic arthritis with side effects including - may cause excessive facial hair, blindness and mental illness. I'll stick with the back pain thanks...Did manage to get some ibuprofen. Will come in handy tomorrow - a day we are not particularly looking forward to - 3 hour flight, seven hours at KL airport, 7 hour flight to Dubai.

We are all very curious about Dubai and can't wait to see it...